Taking A Trip Part 1: Oh, The Places You’ll Go

EVs make sense, we firmly believe…

but how do they fare, when your small town you do leave?

In this episode (it’s one of three),

we share our experience so you can see…

with a bit of fore thought and the planning you’ll do,

how far you can go is really up to you.

Ben and Brent discuss Ben’s experience going further than the BMW I3’s 90 mile range; what it involved and how it played out.

NRECA Study: Part 1-Knowledge is Power

NRECA posted an article titled NRECA Study: EV Owners Want Co-ops’ Help on Chargers and Special Rates. To summarize, the article summarizes a summary report published to summarize the study. As promised, I have said summary report and I want to explore some of the findings and offer my opinion on the matter.