Taking A Trip Part 3: One Truck, Two Truck…

Red Truck, Blue Truck…

This one earns a big gold star.

This one travels really far.

Say! What a lot of EV trucks there are!!!

Wrapping up our three part Taking a Trip discussion. Ben and Brent talk through what it would be like (possibly) to travel 750 miles one way from southeastern Kentucky to Orlando, Florida in an electric vehicle.

Using the published specifications of the base model F 150 Lightning, Ben breaks down the theoretical time and cost it would take to make the trip versus Brent’s actual experience with his Supercharged V6 F 150.

We realize this is not a true comparison because we would have to make the same trip in both vehicles. That being said, even if we are half wrong, we believe this exercise and the results are eye-opening to prove the possibilities of EVs in small-town America.

If nothing else, you can make a drinking game out of the entire series; take a shot every time Ben says “theoretical“.

Taking A Trip Part 2: Out Of The Box, Even With A Fox…

EV’s are here, one can’t deny. You can’t deny, don’t even try…

But can I drive one here or there? Can I drive one anywhere?

You can drive one here or there. You can drive one everywhere.

Can I drive one to the moon? No, not today, it is too soon.

But you can drive them wherever you can go. Planning is key now on to the show.

In this episode, Brent and Ben continue the discussion of what a road trip may look like, specifically knowing what your EV is capable of and it’s efficiency is fundamental in getting you where you want to go. Infrastructure is still key, but the network of charging locations is growing daily and limited availability will be a thing of the past.

Taking A Trip Part 1: Oh, The Places You’ll Go

EVs make sense, we firmly believe…

but how do they fare, when your small town you do leave?

In this episode (it’s one of three),

we share our experience so you can see…

with a bit of fore thought and the planning you’ll do,

how far you can go is really up to you.

Ben and Brent discuss Ben’s experience going further than the BMW I3’s 90 mile range; what it involved and how it played out.

Electrify America Adopts Per kWh Billing

Yesterday, EA announced it was adopting per kWh billing in the states that require per kWh billing for EV charging. This wasn’t really unexpected, but it did prompt a listener question as to why more states haven’t adopted a kWh based billing requirement. I don’t have an answer but I do have a lot of speculation.

Toyota’s Solid-State Batteries

Toyota was to unveil their solid-state battery and the lineup for the 2025 production at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Of course, Covid-19 determined otherwise and now we are just left with a few articles on the future of batteries and EVs in general. Faster charging, longer range… but, there are some major situations to work out. And can you believe range anxiety is still a thing?