ZEV States for Dummies

Twelve states have Zero Emission Vehicle mandates in place requiring auto manufacturers to sell a certain percentage of EVs and fuel cell vehicles each year. The list of states is growing and today I give a cursory overview of the process for all of us in non-ZEV states. I’m sure there’s a lot in the details for each state, but this is my super-simplified take on the whole thing.

The Future of EVD?

I’ve had a bit of a quandary in the past week and have done some soul searching in regard to the future of The EV Diaries. I know, I’ve done this in the past, but as most things in my life, I’m figuring it out as I go along. Today, I reveal some hard questions I’ve been asking myself this week and some possible answers. It’s basically a look into my thoughts as of late and how it may impact the show.

As always, thanks for listening.

Government Roles in the EV Future

Government can make or break (usually break) a good idea, but beyond the bureaucratic BS, what is there role in the course of EV adoption? Prompted by an email from Anthony in Seattle, I started thinking of some possibilities and here are a few ways state governments are helping shape EVs and the future.

Toyota’s Solid-State Batteries

Toyota was to unveil their solid-state battery and the lineup for the 2025 production at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Of course, Covid-19 determined otherwise and now we are just left with a few articles on the future of batteries and EVs in general. Faster charging, longer range… but, there are some major situations to work out. And can you believe range anxiety is still a thing?