Will America Ever Give Up Gas?

In the wake of several European countries planning to ban ICE vehicles, what will America do with EVs? Honda’s CEO doesn’t think EVs will be mainstream, anywhere, much less America. Given our spirit of freedom and a love affair with SUVs and Pickup Trucks, is he right? I know a lot of automobile manufacturers are banking on cars being powered by electricity in some form or fashion. What do you think?

I still believe EVs can have a positive impact on small-town America. I want to hear what you think. Email me or find me on FaceBook, Instagram and Twitter, @evdiaries. Also, please leave me a review on Apple Podcast. I want your feedback. Thanks.

Timing Is Everything

In the last episode, I mentioned “beneficial electrification” and how driving an EV could positively impact your utility allowing them to keep rates as low as possible. But that is only half the story…

Did you know when you use electricity can positively or negatively impact you? If you have a Time-of-Use (TOU) rate or a rate with residential demand charges you understand this directly, but if you are just on a flat kWh rate, it might not be as obvious. Utilities have to pay more for energy generated “on-peak” which is times of high use on the system. If you just plug in your EV any ol’ time, you could be negatively impacting the utilities ability to keep rates low.

Let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear from you; ben@evdiaries.com or DM on IG and Twitter @evdiaries. AND you can now find me on FaceBook @evdiaries.

Thanks for listening.

Why EVs Matter In Small-Town America

Have you ever challenged your belief system? During my commute this morning, I began questioning things including the message behind this podcast. The result is this episode. My thoughts on this may be more clear than ever.

Owning an EV, especially in small-town America, is possibly win-win-win for everyone. It a win for the EV owner, its a win for your friends and neighbors and its a win globally. Let me know your thoughts; email or DM me.

Decisions, Decisions…

The Mini Cooper S Electric is available in March 2020. The $3K rebate from Touchstone Energy on a Nissan Leaf expires at the end of the year. I need to replace my 2005 Cooper S, so what is a guy to do?

It’s Veterans Day 2019 in America. Thank you to all the service men and women for their service to our country.

Thanks for listening. If there’s a topic on your mind or just a question, send me an email at ben@evdiaries.com or DM me on Twitter or Instagram. You can find me @evdiaries.

Interview With Scott Drake with EKPC

In my first EV Diaries interview, I sat down with Scott Drake, Manager of Corporate Technical Services at East Kentucky Power Cooperative. Part of his job is attending meeting across the nation with other utilities, automobile manufacturers and EV focus groups. He is also the leader of the EV working group of which I am a member. In this interview, I get Scott’s opinion on EVs in small-town America, the future as he sees it and the infrastructure/adoption question.

Tell me your thoughts and ask me your questions via email, ben@evdiaries.com. DM me on Twitter and Instagram @evdiaries or by giving the show a rating on your favorite podcasting app.

Thanks so much for listening.

What Did You Say About Taxes????

I just got out of a meeting where we were looking to put a DC fast charger (level 3) on our system. Let’s just say “sticker shock”. It is unlikely that any private entities around here (without deep pockets) will be putting in that kind of infrastructure. So what is the answer?

I hate taxes. Period… however we know that at some point EVs will be assessed a property tax to offset falling gas tax revenues. We are already seeing it in other states with larger EV bases. Would it be horrible if the federal government actually started levying an EV tax and starting building infrastructure for EVs. Or better yet, started diverting funds for such projects which would allow the EV population to grow before the taxation begins. The US Government is good at roads and military. This fits in their wheelhouse.

Bottom line is that the taxes are coming and we need a network to foster adoption. Is this the best way, worst way or just a way? What are your thoughts? Email me at ben@evdiaries.com or DM on Twitter or Instagram @evdiaries. Thanks for listening.

Powered by Gatorade?

A retired Royal Navy officer in Great Britain has developed a new type of battery; well, fuel cell but it still may be a game changer. How does 1500 miles before refueling sound? What makes it even that much cooler is that its an electrolyte mixture that is safe to drink. Is it in you? Check out the article here.

Thanks for listening. I hope you are learning as much as I am. If there’s a topic on your mind or just a question, send me an email at ben@evdiaries.com or DM me on Twitter or Instagram. You can find me @evdiaries.

Ricky Bobby Goes ‘Lectric

NASCAR said WHAT????

Did you hear NASCAR is considering hybridization? What will that look like? What implications does that have for the good-ol’ boy fan base. I think NASCAR may be the push that EVs need in small town ‘Merica fly-over country.

Let me know your thoughts. Email me or find me on Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks for listening.